Law & Consulting Firm specialized in Private International Law and Immigration Law, focusing on Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Greek and Polish citizenship, providing assistance to clients with administrative and legal demands in Brazil and abroad.
What inspires and motivates us is to be able to be part of something bigger, while helping our clients in every step of the process in search of their dreams.
Lawyer Roberta Ferreira Xavier (OAB / SP 418,583), graduate student in International Law and Family and Succession Law, founding partner of the law firm, in view of the market's lack of service to clients seeking dual European citizenship, and her experience in such processes, he founded R. Ferreira Xavier Advocacia & Consultoria, which works with excellence in the area, counting on several clients who have already concluded their processes through a specialized and agile service.
The Law Firm is specialized in Private International Law, Immigration Law and Civil Law, with a focus on dual Italian citizenship and other European citizenship, in addition to extensive experience in Civil Registry Rectification, Supply and Restoration.
For serving in a specialized and exclusive way, its goal is excellence and agility in forensic work, to solve client's legal issues at the pace of urgency in which they find themselves, overcoming a major obstacle: the slowness of justice.
R. Ferreira Xavier Advocacia & Consultoria practices law with transparency, ethics and professionalism. The analysis of each case is done in a thorough and judicious way, and most importantly, with the awareness that the commitment to the customer is the pillar of its reputation.